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Respiratory Support & Monitoring

Covers discussions on the technical aspects of respiratory support, monitoring and diagnostics.

  1. Guest OwensP
    Started by Guest OwensP,

    Salutations everyone We currently have a need to idnetify suitable dedicated non-invasive respiration monitors incorporating an apnoea alarm that utilise disposable sensors for attaching to the patient. If you have such devices in use what makes/models are they? Alternatively if there is a device on the market that doesn't require a patient sensor connection that would also be interesting - is this possible? Well many years ago I remember a company heroically developing such a device based on radar & detecting babies chest movements. We currently have the Graseby MR10 in use but it's about to come off the market & an alternative device we've seen utilises …

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  2. Started by lanie ramos,

    Dear Sir/Madame Good Day! I have experience that expiratory tubings of Babylog ventilator turn to orange when printer nox was used as a machine to deliver nitric oxide with 20 ppm and fio2 demand of 60%. I started noticing it during the 4th day when it was connected. Have anyone experience it before? Kindly give your opinion and suggestions about it. Thank you very much.

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  3. Started by nashwa,

    I know strategy of high rate and low tidal volume in conventional ventilation , but to what limit the RR is And Ti and I/T ratio to avoid air trapping.

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  4. Started by nashwa,

    Is this ventilator is good for neonate , is it volume control or volume target also, any one know it , give me experience about it Thanks

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  5. Started by kpsanghvi,

    We are in a process of buying a hybrid ventilator (CMV + HFOV) for our NICU/PICU. We have narrowed our choice to the Draegger 8000 or SLE 5000. The only problem with the Babylog is that its high frequency does not support babies more than 3 kgs where as the SLE 5000 can take children upto 30 kgs. Does anyone has the experience and can advise. Dr K P Sanghvi MD Neonatologist Prince Aly Khan Hospital Mumbai

    • 12 replies
    Guest replied
  6. There is a beautiful evidence based clinical practice guidelines regarding one of the commonest procedures done on an intubated baby in the NICU. Gardner DL, Shirland L. Evidence-based guideline for suctioning the intubated neonate and infant. Neonatal Netw. 2009 Sep-Oct;28(5):281-302. Review. PubMed PMID: 19720593. The whole text is available via Medscape LINK (To view the whole article you have to be registered with medscape. Considering registration in medscape is free for all, that should not be a problem !)

    • 10 replies
  7. Started by Nettie,

    We have recently changed out intravenous syringe pumps and soon we will also include new volumetric pumps and we have had a question raised about what the pump pressures are set at. Could you let me know what your unit's pump pressures are set at and if you have any guidelines about the pressure settings. Is there any evidence to support this? I have found some articles from 2005 but there doesn't appear to be much information about this. Thanks Nettie (South Australia)

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  8. We are revising our guidelines for arterial lines. Currently we add heparin and lidocain to our arterial flush and run it with 0.5ml/h to 1.0ml/h. How do you handle intraarterial lines and are you aware of any literature on the subject?

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  9. Have you heard about this device? http://www.odondevice.org/ This could be an interesting device for obstetrics: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFEFkAnL93A&feature=youtu.be It is currently being endorsed by WHO who want to study it in ressource poor settings. http://www.who.int/reproductivehealth/topics/maternal_perinatal/odon_device/en/

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  10. Started by ferac,

    Hello, warm greetings from Ecuador. I consulted about the practical utility of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) in monitoring and surveillance of children hospitalized in the NICU. Sincerely, Dr. Fernando Agama C. Neonatología del Hospital Enrique Garcés. Quito-Ecuador

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