Respiratory Support & Monitoring
Covers discussions on the technical aspects of respiratory support, monitoring and diagnostics.
149 topics in this forum
Hello! I was hoping I could get some feedback on the Neobar. I would like to hear from people that use it or have used in the past on a daily basis. I'm a student, and this would be VERY helpful for my project. Thanks, Jonathan
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vvegamontes1 replied -
Has anyone know where I could find safety data if using Vg with HFOV and the VN 500 ventilator , there seems to some sites utilizing this style of HFOV but I am unable to find any prelim data on safety and clincal use.
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spartacus007 replied -
Best regards from Ecuador. I wonder who has experience with HFOV noninvasive Fernando Agama C. Unidad de Neonatología, Hospital Enrique Garcés, Quito-Ecuador
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Ghodstehrani replied -
Dear fellow 99nicu members, A warm Hello ! Having been used to the settings on the 3100A, I was wondering how do you set the HFOV in the fabian acutronics? In the 3100A sensormedics, we were setting Bias Flow at 20 L/min, I:E at 1:2 ( 33%). However the fabian HFOV can work from 8 till 20 L/min of Bias flow. What is your usual starting Bias flow and where is your comfort zone ? Also since the Fabian can accommodate I:E of 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3 , what do you usually start with?
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Melanie replied -
Our unit has recently purchased a Drager VN500 and I am responsible for getting nursing staff familiar with how to use it correctly. Sadly in New Zealand neonatal units we do not have the expertise of Respiratory Therapists and was wondering if one of you wonderful people on this site could possibly help me out. Specifically am looking for teaching packages/protocols/competency checklists. We are finding the terminology rather ambiguous @ times especially when performing device and breathing system checks so need a 'dummies guide' on how to do these in plain talk specifying when to remove the lung, when to occlude the flow sensor etc. It seems staff are performing …
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Nicutech replied -
I switched hospital ~2 years ago and even if our resuscitation tables are equipped exactly the same as in the previous hospital, I have noticed that fellows here use laryngeal masks more often during resuscitation, instead of going directly from mask (+NeoPuff ventilation) to intubation. I must say that my experience has grown very positive, laryngeal masks can be applied with little training and gives good airway support. EBNEO has published a review here : on a RCT on this specific question, laryngeal mask vs face-mask-ventilation. I fully agree with the conclusion …
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Stefan Johansson replied -
Request from our state chief neonatologist-going to place orders for 39 ventilators " How good and what's the comparison of turbine / piston based/ pneumatic / venturi based transport ventilators? What brands and technology are you using/ prefer / suggest? Why so? " Your inputs are highly appreciated. Thanks. Dr.selvan
- 1 reply
- 1 follower
Francesco Cardona replied -
We are quite dis-satisfied with our current equipment (Freestyle light, Abbott) as we often feel that the instrument gives false low values. So... what equipment do you use for routine blood sugar measurements in the NICU and maternity ward? What method do you use for blood sampling?
- 5 replies
Aymen Eshene replied -
Hi i am facing some problem with Bbraun perfusor S Syringe pump. it is giving some errors i.e 046,138. can any one have experience to troubleshoot this type of problem. i am waiting for positive response. Thanks Regards Bilal Ahamd
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Dear 99nicu Member, We are an international academic research team comprised of clinicians, designers, engineers, and analysts coordinated from Seattle Children’s Research Institute. We are seeking your input as part of a landscape assessment survey about the current non-invasive respiratory support technologies used around the world. Our goal is to use the survey data to inform design and development priorities for durable non-invasive neonatal and pediatric respiratory support systems that are suitable for less-resourced healthcare settings. We expect also to publish the results and provide the de-identified raw data to the global community for further analysis. Y…
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