Thanks @Gustaf Lernfeltfor initiating this thread.
I would say that What ever treatment we gave to babies , have side effects, and we already know that giving Live bacteria to baby, possibility of sepsis is there, but we take chance as once NEC is there, it is a very nasty disease, with lot of complications affecting future life of baby and family.
I think it will be difficult now ( at-least in USA) after that FDA letter, that neonatologists will dare to start on Probiotics. We may see increase surge of NEC more in coming many months in USA, and it will be a good QI project one can start and see pre and post FDA letter increase in NEC cases in unit where probiotics was initially given and now it was held.
Time to promote more Human milk availability, less use of antibiotics, early CVL removal, consider the principle of less is more and Outside USA consider or continue using Probiotics if your baseline risk of NEC is high as we can’t ignore the fact that Probiotics Prevent NEC.